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Financial Mindfulness : save money

February 13th, 2019 at 08:05 pm

The first thing to start with is saving cash. As i mentioned I believe people should start off with $5 or $10 to the side. If you receive bi weekly payments save $10 to $20 it will help you in the long run. Another thing to keep in mind. Write down on a piece of paper on how much to save in your bank account. Writing how much you want to save will motivate you to handle finances. The trick to saving money is to stay motivated at all times. When spending money at any store the best way to control your spending impulses. Is to tell yourself "i don't need it now" "I don't need it now" say it twice.
Some days you won't be able to save money. When that happens, forgive yourself. It's important to be mentally fit as well as relaxed. Also there apps that can assist you. 1)Qapital app 2)Acorns app 3)Digit save app.